Newsletter – March 2017

Mallow Union Newsletter
St. James’ Mallow, St. Mary’s Doneraile, St. Mary’s Castletownroche
March 2017

Rector: Canon Eithne Lynch
022/21473 or 086/2535002
Lay Readers: Avril Gubbins 022/24267
Emmanuel Adebisi 022/20477

Thanks to all involved in the Variety Concert in aid of the church building maintenance fund which was held on Friday 10th February at 8pm in St. Mary’s Church, Doneraile. It was a very successful night and a special word of thanks to Ina Lillis for all the work she put into it.

Mother’s Union
Thanks to all who attended our February meeting on Thursday 16th February in St. James Hall Mallow. Thanks to Hazel Sherlock for the powerpoint showing the workings of Mothers Union and who benefits from it. 
The Beetle Drive on Saturday 25th February was a great success. Thanks to all who came and joined in the fun a great night was had by all.
Women’s World Day of Prayer 2017
This international and interdenominational day of informed prayerful action will have been celebrated in St. Mary’s Church, Doneraile on Friday 3rd March at 8pm.  This year’s service was prepared by the Christian women of The Philippines based on story of the vineyard workers Matthew 20 vs 1-16 with the theme “Am I Being Unfair to You?” Older parishioners and those who know of the old Irish Hiring
Fairs will be able relate to this topic. The congregation on that night in Doneraile will form a link in a 24 prayer cycle which begins in Togo just east of the international dateline and ends a day later in New Zealand on March 3rd. A collection was taken up which the national Women’s World Day of Prayer
committee distribute to charities at home and abroad.
Congratulations to Trisha Everest Rock on her marriage to Darrell Strong recently.

Jigsaw Club Saturday Event
25th March 2017 2pm to 4pm
In the Hall at St. James’ Church
Come and enjoy the fun with lots of activities and games and help us get ready for
Mothers Day. Bring you Mum to the service on Sunday 26th so she can share in
what you have done.
Jigsaw Club is open to all from any church or no church.
We meet in Jesus name and accept him as Our Lord and Saviour.
Please let us know if you would like to join us we would love to see you, we need
an idea of numbers coming or ring one of the following for more details: Rector
Canon Eithne Lynch 022/21473 or 086/2535002 Ina Lillis 022/25295 or
087/87692164 or Chris Bond 022/21987

Select Vestry 22/2/2017
The Register of vestrymen was updated with three names removed and four added.
Matters Arising from Minutes – Electronic Mac version of the New Hymn book still hasn’t been made available. Gravel had been put on the drive way of the rectory and is looking very well. Thanks to John Gardiner for filling in the blanks in the beech hedge in St. James’ Church grounds.
Correspondence – A letter was received from Susan Brennan about the Christmas Concert and Canon Eithne and John Nagle have a breakdown of the figures paid out for the concert.
Mourneabbey ladies football have again requested the use of the church for a concert on the 16th June when the Celtic Tenors are coming to perform. 
Easter Vestry forms have come out and the elections for the Synodsmen/person and Parochial nominators are this Easter. So a good attendance is requested at the Easter Vestry on the 6th April at 8pm to choose people for these posts.
Confirmation is in Doneraile on Sunday 18th June.
A Census form must be filled up. A meeting with churchwardens was arranged in the rectory for Thursday 2nd March to do this.
A meeting is being held about Insurance in the Northridge Centre, St. Luke’s Home on the 9th March Jackie Nagle has agreed to attend this.
Finances – Accounts were passed for December 2016
Rectory – gravel done around rectory. Trees behind wall in rectory are to be removed. Andrew Gardiner is to get prices on cost of removing.
St. James’ Church – Drombrook is to come back. Ivy to be removed off of wall.
St. Mary’s Church Castletownroche – It was suggested to leave a light or lights on in the church and it might keep away bats.
St. Mary’s Church Doneraile – No Fas man. Paint is peeling over the St. Leger door this is to be looked into there maybe a chute blocked. Thanks to everyone for their work at the concert and especially to Ina Lillis.
Renewal group – Nothing to report. There is a meeting shortly.
Safeguarding Trust – nothing to report. Training to be coming up shortly.
Health and Safely – all ok.
Our next meeting is the Easter Vestry is on Thursday 6th April at 8pm. Please encourage people to come. As well as the Vestry members to elect we have the triennial elections as well this year.

There will be H.C. in St. James’, Mallow on Wednesday mornings 11am

Wednesday 8th                   Lent Service 11am Mallow
                                              Bible Study Group Mallow 7pm–8.30pm
                                               Lent Service 8pm Castletownroche
Wednesday 15th March     Lent Service 11am Mallow
                                               Bible Study Group Mallow 7pm-8.30pm
                                               Lent Service 8pm Doneraile
Sunday 19th March            Ecumenical Service Mercy Centre Charleville 7.30pm
Wednesday 22nd March    Lent Service 11am Mallow
                                               Bible Study Group Mallow 7pm-8.30pm
                                               Lent Service 8pm Castletownroche
Saturday 25th March         Jigsaw Club Saturday Event 2pm-4pm
Sunday 26th March            Doneraile Jigsaw Club 10am
Sunday 26th March            Mallow Jigsaw Club 11.30am
Wednesday 29th March     Lent Service 11am Mallow
                                               Bible Study Group Mallow 7pm-8.30pm
                                               Lent Service 8pm Doneraile
Wednesday 5th March       Lent Service 11am Mallow
                                               Bible Study Group Mallow 7pm-8.30pm
                                               Lent Service 8pm Castletownroche
Thursday 6th April        Easter Vestry Meeting in St. James’ Hall 8pm
Sunday 18th June               Confirmation in St. Mary’s Church, Doneraile


5th March (1st Sunday in Lent) Violet
Genesis 2: 15-17, 3: 1-7 Psalm 32 Romans 5: 12-19 Matthew 4: 1-11
     Castletownroche 10am       M.P.

     Doneraile             10am       H.C.

     Mallow                  11.45am H.C.

  12th March (2nd Sunday in Lent) Violet
Genesis 12: 1-4a Psalm 121 Romans 4: 1-5, 13-17 John 3: 1-17
      Castletownroche 10am       Family Service & H.C.
      Doneraile             10am       Family Service
      Mallow                 11.45am  Jigsaw Family Service

19th March ( 3rd Sunday in Lent) Violet
Exodus 17: 1-7 Psalm 95 Romans 5: 1-11 John 4: 5-42
      Castletownroche 10am       M.P.
      Doneraile             10am       H.C.
      Mallow                 11.45am  H.C.

26th March (4th Sunday in Lent) Violet
Exodus 2: 1-10 Psalm 34: 11-20 Colossians 3: 12-17 Luke 2: 33-35
      Castletownroche 10am       H.C.
      Doneraile             10am       M.P. & Children’s Jigsaw Club
      Mallow                 11.45am  M.P. & Children’s Jigsaw Club

2nd April (5th Sunday in Lent) Violet
Ezekiel 37: 1-14 Psalm 130 Romans 8: 6-11 John 11: 1-45
      Castletownroche 10am       M.P.
      Doneraile             10am       H.C.
      Mallow                 11.45am  H.C.

If you have anything to put in the April magazine please give to Diana before Tuesday 14th
March and for the April Newsletter please give to Diana before Wednesday 29th March. Email: or mobile 086/1547810 or address Bridgetown, Castletownroche.

The Month Ahead Pray with us